Press release: 23.8.08   World Water Expo Zaragoza, Water Tribune Pavilion


The conference “Water  for the recovery of the climate”  took place on 23rd of August at the Water Tribune of the World Expo Zaragoza 2008.


The international conference, attended by experts from the UK, Germany, France, Italy, Czech Republic and Slovakia, was organized by the Slovak environmental organisation “People and Water” and the “Association of Cities and Municipalities of Slovakia”. The aim of the conference was to raise awareness of the impact of human activities on the water cycle on the land, and the consequent impact on climate change. Speakers from the academic, commercial, local government and NGO sectors submitted a mosaic of solutions for the utilization, renewal and protection of water resources. The Director General of the Water Tribune, Mr. Eduardo Mestre congratulated the organizers for the innovative solutions towards solving the world problems of water resources. The conference, financed primarily by non-governmental organisations, was attended by representatives from local and regional water management institutions and visitors from several European countries.













Auf der Expo Zaragoza 2008 fand am 23.8.08 die Konferenz “Wasser zur ...“ im „Water Tribune“ statt. Die internationale Konferenz, an der Experten aus Großbrittanien, Deutschland, Frankreich, Italien, Tschechien und der Slowakei teilnahmen, wurde gemeinsam von der Slowakischen NGO „People and Water“ in Verbindung mit der Assoziation von Städten und Gemeinden der Slowakei.